Fishfry on the banks of the Moyar

A recent 3 day jungle expedition ended with some fresh fish fry on the banks of the Moyar river. From fishing to scaling to frying to eating all were done right on the river bank.

A fisherman moves around the Moyar river throwing his net & pushing shoals of fish into it is truly remarkable talent.

He first throws his net across the river, then moves slightly away and starts to beat the water with a bamboo pole, this scares the fish below which out of fear move towards the net. He then rushes to the net & in one quick movement wraps up his net. Success! There are a minimum of 50 fishes in the net. And all *huge* ones!

The fisherman then packs some for us & hands them over to his assistant who scales it. In the meantime our cook is preparing the stove and heating some oil in it. Once the fish are all scaled their bodies are sliced, coated with some masala and then deep fried. This is the *freshest* fishfry anyone can ever ask for :)

What a way to end a trip!